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3D resin model of bateriaphage attacking bacteria
December 7, 2023
Matt Schnizlein, Ph.D., is a second-year Postdoctoral Candidate in MGI whose small business, Inktree Miniatures, creates 3D resin models of everything from fantastical creatures to scientific marvels.
Image of Hawaiian bobtail squid
November 28, 2023
Congratulations to Elizabeth Heath-Heckman, Ph.D., who has received a prestigious 5-year, $1,934,000 Early Career Maximizing Investigators Research Award MIRA (R35) from the National Institutes of Health (specifically the National Institute of General Medical Sciences).  The grant is entitled "Elucidating Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Cooperation in Animal-Bacterial Symbioses."
James Tiedje, Ph.D.
November 22, 2023
MGI's James Tiedje, Ph.D., was named one of the world's most cited researchers.
Micah Ferrell, Ph.D.
November 15, 2023
Micah Ferrell, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Chris Waters’ laboratory in the MSU Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, has been awarded the first-ever Dylan Mortimer Student Travel Award during the “Celebration of Hope” event held by the Hunt for a Cure Targeting Cystic Fibrosis.  The Celebration of Hope is a science and art-themed event that brings together Cystic Fibrosis stakeholders from across Michigan.