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WiPS Schedule - Spring 2025

Work in Progress Seminars (WiPS) for Spring 2025

All WiPS seminars are at 12:00 P.M., MONDAY, in BPS Room 1425.
Seminar Coordinator: Vilma Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan

Please use this QR code to access the WiPS Evaluation form:

WiPS QR Code

WiPS Spring Schedule 2025
Date Speaker Title Faculty Evaluators
Jan. 13 Vilma Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan, Zack Blount Nancy Hopkins, the “Exceptions,” and MIT: A Parable of the Struggle for Women’s Equality in Science N/A
Jan. 20 Martin Luther King Day - University Closed
Jan. 27 Charles Whitehead-Tillery
(Mansfield Lab)
Cross-species transmission of ESBLs amongst human and dogs V. Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan
Megan Korne
(Bonito Lab)
Characterizing the horizontal transmission of Burkholderia- and Mollicutes-related endobacteria K. Kashefi
Feb. 3 Manos Kokarakis
(Ducat Lab)
Implementing quorum sensing systems in cyanobacteria for biotechnological applications C. Adami
Alexandria Oviatt, pdoc
(Abramovitch Lab)
Post-antibiotic Effects of MmpL3-targeted and Nitro-containing Compounds in M. tuberculosis and M. abscessus A. Olive

Feb. 10

Imani Pascoe
(Bonito/Lebeis Lab)
Designing and testing functional synthetic communities for plant resilience A. Rowe
Veronica Albrecht
(Abramovitch Lab)
TrcRS negatively regulates KdpC, a subunit of a high affinity ATP-driven potassium transport system J. Scott
Feb. 17 Joel Marty
(Kaminski Lab)
Monocyte mediated enhancement of CD8+ T cell IFNγ production can be suppressed by THC treatment C. Waters
Carissa Hutchison
(Shames Lab)
Understanding the roles of two effector/metaeffector pairs in Legionella pneumophila E. Heath-Heckman
Feb. 24 Jisung Park
(Abramovitch Lab)
PhoPR is required for Mycobacterium tuberculosis growth on specific carbon sources S. Sherrill-Mix
Matt Schnizlein, pdoc
(Crosson Lab)
Non-redundant cardiolipin synthases support membrane integrity and stress resilience in Bacteroides fragilis C. Arvidson
Mar. 3 Spring break - no WiPS
Mar. 10 Daniel Vocelle
Assistant Director of the MSU Flow Cytometry Core
What's New in Flow Cytometry?  
Jared Godfrey
(Olive Lab)
Regulation of alveolar macrophage inflammatory networks W. Wang
M. Bachmann
Mar. 17 Adam Kibiloski
(Abramovitch Lab)
Phosphate restricts growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on lactate at acidic pH S. Shames
Camille Boucaud
(Heath-Heckman Lab)
The role of AMPs in shaping symbiosis specificity and persistence: squid-Vibrio model Z. Blount
Mar. 24 Angela Prete
(Waters Lab)
Using randomly barcoded transposon site-sequencing to interrogate c-di-GMP physiology in Vibrio cholerae R. Quinn
Sole Soverina
(Olive Lab)
Host pathways involved in IL-1α production ex vivo during M. abscessus infection J. Hardy
Mar. 31 Alex Demetros
(Lebeis Lab)
Community immunity: exploring the relationship between the host microbiome and opportunistic pathogens S. Crosson
Satya Kulkarni (Contag lab) Visualizing interkingdom communication in mammalian systems using engineered quasiorganelles V. DiRita
Apr. 7 Kevin Santiago-Morales
(Lebeis Lab)
Bacterial IAA metabolism impacts the plant phosphorus starvation response V. Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan
Leah Knoor
(Lebeis Lab)
  G. Bonito
Apr. 14 Hazel McGuffin
(Parent Lab)
Podophage interaction with inner membrane protien YajC G. Severin
Rachel Richardson
(Mansfield Lab)
Contribution of the Human Gut Microbiome to the Development and
Severity of Guillain-Barré Syndrome
N. Walker
Apr. 21 Emily Perez
(Crosson Lab)
The roles of HRxxN histidine kinases in Brucella ovis stress respsonses  D. Pyeon
Bassel Abdalla
(Abramovitch Lab)
Examining the efficacy of combination therapy in vitro in Mycobacterium abscessus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis  N. Hammer