MGI Seminars - Fall 2020
All MMG seminars are at 3:10 P.M., TUESDAY, via Zoom, unless noted otherwise.
Seminar Coordinators: Ashley Shade & Gemma Reguera
Graduate Student Representatives: Paige Kies & Beth Ottosen
Zoom link:
Please note: The password will be emailed separately prior to the seminars
MMG Seminars for Fall 2020
MMG Seminar Date | MMG Seminar Topic | Seminar Speaker | Host |
October 6 | Microproteins, Mobile Genetic elements and Strain-level resolution in the microbiome – a path to precision medicine | Ami Bhatt, Stanford University | MMG Graduate Students |
November 10 | 20,000 Microbes under the sea | Jennifer Biddle, University of Delaware | Reguera |
November 17 | Faculty Appointment Seminar It isn't just what you say, but how you say it: Presentation of bacterial products drives host-cell morphology and behavior in the squid-vibrio symbiosis |
Elizabeth Heath-Heckman, MSU | DiRita |
November 24 | Engineering the host-pathogen interface | Bryan Bryson, MIT | Olive |
December 1 | Faculty Appointment Seminar Landscapes shape the genomes of e. Coli outside the host |
Peter Bergholz, MSU | DiRita |
December 15 | How novel sensors arise in bacteria | Igor Jouline, Ohio State University | Dufour |