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MGI Seminars - Fall 2020

All MMG seminars are at 3:10 P.M., TUESDAY, via Zoom, unless noted otherwise.

Seminar Coordinators: Ashley Shade & Gemma Reguera
Graduate Student Representatives: Paige Kies & Beth Ottosen

Zoom link: https://msu.zoom.us/j/97539214122
Please note:  The password will be emailed separately prior to the seminars

MMG Seminars for Fall 2020

MMG Seminar Date MMG Seminar Topic Seminar Speaker Host
October 6 Microproteins, Mobile Genetic elements and Strain-level resolution in the microbiome – a path to precision medicine Ami Bhatt, Stanford University MMG Graduate Students
November 10 20,000 Microbes under the sea Jennifer Biddle, University of Delaware Reguera
November 17 Faculty Appointment Seminar
It isn't just what you say, but how you say it: Presentation of bacterial products drives host-cell morphology and behavior in the squid-vibrio symbiosis
Elizabeth Heath-Heckman, MSU DiRita
November 24 Engineering the host-pathogen interface Bryan Bryson, MIT Olive
December 1 Faculty Appointment Seminar
Landscapes shape the genomes of e. Coli outside the host
Peter Bergholz, MSU DiRita
December 15 How novel sensors arise in bacteria Igor Jouline, Ohio State University Dufour