Department Affiliates
Selected important department affiliates:
- BEACON -- Evolution in Action; NSF Center
- IBEEM - IBEEM is funded by a Strategic Partnership Grant from the Michigan State University Foundation; the College of Natural Science's Department of Integrative Biology; the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources' AgBioResearch and Department of Fisheries and Wildlife; Lyman Briggs College; and the College of Social Science's Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences. IBEEM's mission is to conduct transformative research that integrates ecology and evolution across scales to advance understanding and prediction of how biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services respond to global changes.
- ICEMR -- NIH International Center of Excellence in Malaria Research
- Center for Microbial Ecology
- Center for Microbial Pathogenesis
- Ribosomal Database Project
- STEC Center: A Reference Center to Facilitate the Study of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli
- USDA Poultry Genome Project