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Kirstin Parkin receives 2024 CHM Green Apple Award

By Debbie Walton

Dr. Kirstin Parkin, Associate Professor for MSU’s Department of Microbiology, Genetics, & Immunology, was the recipient of the 2024 Green Apple Award. This College of Human Medicine, or CHM, award is student-selected, and it honors a faculty member who has had a significant, positive impact on the students’ academic experience.

Kirstin Parkin smiles at the camera. She is wearing a maroon sweater and leaning against a railing.
Dr. Kirstin Parkin

Parkin has been teaching in CHM since 2011. As a lead fellow, she works closely with a group of 8 students who refer to themselves as “Parkin’s Peeps.” They meet weekly with her to go over case studies and other class material. She also provides mentorship to that same group, meeting twice a semester with each student to review their wellness goals, academic progress, future plans, and anything else they would like to discuss.

“I tell them, ‘I won the lottery when I got you eight,’” said Parkin.

“Dr. Parkin is an extremely caring educator who goes above and beyond to ensure the success of her students,” said Jessica Ding, an MD-PhD student and one of Parkin’s nominators. “She takes the time to understand each of her students’ unique needs and goals. Through celebrating our accomplishments, birthdays, and academic milestones, Dr. Parkin has been an incredible support system for us during medical school."

Crystal award in the shape of a green apple with a white spartan head.
The 2024 CHM Green Apple Award

“This is the most special award for me, honestly,” said Parkin. “It’s so heartwarming, because that’s what I’m there for, right? I’m there for the students. And if they can realize that, and if whatever I’m doing is making it a more positive experience for them, then I am happy.”

The Green Apple award was presented to Parkin at the CHM Ball on Saturday, August 26th, 2024.